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Sleep Secrets from Sleep Experts

Dec 3, 2021/Video

Learn why we sleep, what is happening to your brain and body during specific sleep cycles, and the consequences (both personal and clinical) of not sleeping. You'll also gain insight on meaningful sleep strategies, use of supplements, and wearable technology.

Resist Burnout and Help More Patients — Evidence-Based Solutions for Modern Health Care

Dec 14, 2021/Video

We know the power the therapist-patient relationship has in driving successful patient outcomes. What we don't frequently talk about is how those same relationships help us as providers.

How To Get Better Sleep

Dec 20, 2021/Open Access

When you care for others as a busy physical therapy professional, there are all kinds of stress-inducing concerns.

Moral Injury Versus Burnout of the Clinical Instructor

Dec 13, 2021/Podcast

In this episode, Allison Kellish, PT, DPT, PhD, MPH, answers questions related to her recent study, "Moral Injury Signified by Levels of Moral Distress and Burnout in Health Science Clinical Educators."

Nutrition for the Clinician: What Happens When Your Brain Is Hydrated and More


In this episode, Amanda Carlson-Phillips, MS, RD, senior vice president of strategic partnerships at EXOS, answers questions specifically directed at nutritional needs of a busy clinician.

Mindful Eating

Dec 23, 2021/Open Access

Learn how to choose to devote your attention to the act of preparing and eating a meal in a way that nourishes us in more ways than one.

PTPAC Newsletter Sign Up

Sign up for the quarterly PTPAC newsletter, featuring articles on the importance of PTPAC on Capitol Hill, what's happening in election races across the country, and PTPAC events at conferences.

APTA Patient Action Center

APTA's Patient Action Center contains letters focused on the patient impact of certain federal issues and bills.

Resolving Disputes or Complaints

Oct 31, 2018/Resource

Access guidelines, tips, and resources for handling disputes and complaints.

Outcomes Assessments

Feb 27, 2018/Article

This document presents the various perspectives on and levels of outcomes assessment as they are present in physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education programs.