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Mary McMillan Lecture Award


The Mary McMillan Lecture is the most distinguished honor an active APTA member physical therapist or life member can receive.

F.A. Davis Award for Outstanding Physical Therapist Assistant Educator


This award recognizes PTA student educators who have demonstrated and exhibited a noteworthy level of commitment to physical therapy education, PTA students, and in advancing, promoting, and upholding standards of academic excellence.

Signe Brunnstrom Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching


This award honors a PT in a site coordinator of clinical education or clinical instructor role who has been actively engaged in clinical teaching at entry or advanced levels of physical therapy education for a minimum of 5 years.

Marilyn Moffat Leadership Award


This award honors an individual held in high regard by their peers for distinguished leadership and significant contributions to the physical therapy profession and the association.

Jules M. Rothstein Golden Pen Award for Scientific Writing


This award recognizes published authors in PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal whose writing excellence is demonstrated in a unique contribution or a series of profound articles that have broadened perspectives within a content area.

Jack Walker Award


This award honors an author or team whose published study in PTJ: Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal presents novel and innovative research related to patient care and advances clinical science as it pertains to the physical therapy profession.

Helen J. Hislop Award for Outstanding Contributions to Professional Literature


This award honors a PT who has been actively engaged in writing and publishing professional literature pertaining to the physical therapy profession for at least 10 years.

Mary McMillan Scholarship Award


This award recognizes students within 12 months of completing all requirements for graduation who exhibit superior scholastic ability and potential for future professional contribution.

APTA Guide for Professional Conduct

Jun 1, 2012/Open Access

This guide is intended to serve PTs in interpreting the Code of Ethics.

Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program Level 2

CCIP Level 2 applies and goes beyond the concepts of the structured learning environment of CCIP Level 1 to enable clinical educators to achieve the best outcomes for student learning.