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Changing the Culture of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Physical Therapy


Words are not enough. Statements opposing racism must be substantiated by actions that drive change throughout physical therapy organizations.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, December 2021

Dec 15, 2021/Roundup

APTA members and the physical therapy profession in the media, December, 2021 edition.

APTA's Most-Read Articles of 2021

Dec 27, 2021/Roundup

Staying up to speed with changes and challenges while keeping tabs on APTA happenings.

Float On: Rose Parade Will Include Float Promoting Physical Therapy

Dec 29, 2021/News

APTA’s California chapter will highlight the profession and the people it serves in the high-profile event.

CMS Listens to APTA, Eases Code Restrictions for Manual Therapy and Compression

Jan 5, 2022/News

APTA continues to advocate for changes that reflect the realities of physical therapy and patient-centered care.

Proposed HIPAA Changes Increase Patient Access, Enhance Coordinated Care

Dec 15, 2020/Review

HHS wants to make it easier for patients to access and share health records — and ease providers' administrative burden along the way.

The Coronavirus Vaccine: 4 Things to Know About Distribution

Dec 22, 2020/News

Two vaccines are now approved, and we're making the case for PTs and PTAs to be among the early groups vaccinated.

Coronavirus Update: Dec. 16

Dec 11, 2020/Roundup

Vaccines for nursing homes, PPE shortages, COVID-19 complications, and more.

Top APTA Podcasts: Defining Moment and Move Forward Radio

Dec 30, 2020/Article

Get an earful of inspiration, and help your patients and clients understand the transformative power of physical therapy.

What a Difference a Year Makes: Member Author Reflections on 2020 (and Hopes for 2021)

Dec 30, 2020/Perspective

Lessons learned and hopes from the future from a dozen APTA member-authors.