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IRFs Could See 2.5% Increase From CMS in FY 2020; Additional Reporting Requirements in FY 2022

Apr 19, 2019/News

If a proposed rule from the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is adopted as planned, inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) will see a 2.5% payment increase in the 2020 fiscal year (FY), which begins October 1, 2019—an approximate boost of $195 million. But they'll also need to prepare for

Final FY 2023 SNF Rule: An Advocacy Win Brightens the Payment Picture

Aug 29, 2022/Review

CMS took the advice of APTA and others, and made some additional adjustments of its own. The result: a welcome 2.7% increase.

Symptom Management in Patients With Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer, 3rd Edition

May 1, 2013/CPG

This guideline provides strategies for managing symptoms of lung cancer, including management of venous thromboembolic disease.

While The PT's Away

Nov 1, 2017/Column

A star student must question his own hype.

Canadian Best Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers in People With Spinal Cord Injury: A Resource Handbook for Clinicians

Feb 1, 2013/CPG

These guidelines address the prevention and management of pressure ulcers in people with spinal cord injury, both in a Canadian context and globally.

Guidelines for the Prevention of Stroke in Women: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association

May 1, 2014/CPG

These guidelines focus on stroke risk factors unique to or more common in women, as well as stroke prevention in women.

BTS/ICS Guideline for the Ventilatory Management of Acute Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure in Adults

Apr 1, 2016/CPG

Evidence on the use of ventilation and methods to improve resourcing, training, outcomes and patient experience for all adults who develop acute hypercapnic respiratory failure.

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Under 19s: Support and Management (Reviewed) [NICE CG170]

Jun 14, 2021/CPG

Covers the different ways that health and social care professionals can provide support and treatment for children and young people with autism, their families and carers.

MedBridge Continuing Education Discount Program for APTA Members

Jun 6, 2023/Members Only

APTA members save $150 on an annual subscription to continuing education by MedBridge.

Physical Therapy Documentation of Patient and Client Management

Documentation is critical to ensure that individuals receive appropriate, comprehensive, efficient, person-centered, and high-quality health care services.