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IRFs Could See 2.5% Increase From CMS in FY 2020; Additional Reporting Requirements in FY 2022

Apr 19, 2019/News

If a proposed rule from the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is adopted as planned, inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) will see a 2.5% payment increase in the 2020 fiscal year (FY), which begins October 1, 2019—an approximate boost of $195 million. But they'll also need to prepare for

Study: Falls Among US Adults 65 and Older Cost $50 Billion in 2015

Mar 9, 2018/Review

The US health care system spent an estimated $50 billion on falls in 2015 -- 6% of all Medicare payments and 8% of all Medicaid payments.

While The PT's Away

Nov 1, 2017/Column

A star student must question his own hype.

Study: Estimated 1 in 3 Medicare Beneficiaries Receiving Inpatient/SNF Rehab Report No Improvement in Function

Aug 8, 2018/Review

Participants were asked if, during rehab services, their functioning and abilities improved, got worse, or stayed the same.

Study: PD Incidence 50% Higher in North America Than Previous Estimates Showed

Jan 13, 2023/Review

A review of medical records from five data sources analyzed how many adults were diagnosed with Parkinson disease in 2012.

Final 2021 Home Health Rule Includes Telehealth Expansions, 1.9% Increase

Nov 4, 2020/Review

CMS' final version of the rule doesn't depart much from what it proposed in June.

Coronavirus Update: October 7

Oct 7, 2020/Roundup

HHS guidelines on relief money reporting , drops in vaccination rates during the pandemic, PTs in COVID-19 acute care, and more.

APTA Centennial Scholars Spotlight

Aug 1, 2022/Column

This month, APTA Magazine spotlights APTA Centennial Scholar Sierra Grimm, PT, DPT.

Acutely Insufficient

Mar 1, 2018/Article

A performance instrument omits key facts.

Elements of Documentation Within the Patient-Client Management Model

Jun 28, 2024/Article

The main documentation elements are: initial examination and evaluation, visit, reexamination, and conclusion of episode of care summary.