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From PTJ: PTs Should Wake Up to Their Role in Promoting Sleep Health

Aug 8, 2017/News

Researchers are gaining more and more insight on the role of sleep in overall health, and PTs should be equipped to help their patients and clients understand that role.

APTA Reaches 100K Member Milestone

Aug 7, 2017/News

The association reached the milestone on August 4, after a spring and summer campaign highlighting the ways APTA membership benefits both the individual member and the profession as a whole.

CMS Issues Corrections on 2017 Participation Requirement Rule for LTC Facilities

Jul 31, 2017/News

CMS recently made more than a few tweaks to a 2017 final rule for LTC facilities—including changes that move compliance deadlines and reinstate unintentionally omitted requirements.

Study Says Cost Savings of Physical Therapy for LBP Are Significant

Jul 26, 2017/News

Researchers say that not only is physical therapy cheaper than injections or surgery for LBP in the short-term, it's an approach that is likely to save on treatment costs for at least a year after initial diagnosis.

#ChoosePT Receives Commendation from KY House

Jul 24, 2017/News

APTA's #ChoosePT opioid awareness campaign has been recognized by the KY House of Representatives, which issued a statement honoring APTA and its KY Chapter for providing "an important opportunity" for public education on the "tremendous benefits of physical therapy."

Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule Maintains—and Sometimes Increases—Payment for Codes Related to Physical Therapy

Jul 17, 2017/News

No cuts. And even a few increases. That's the major takeaway from the proposed Medicare 2018 physician fee schedule released by CMS.

PTAs Included in TRICARE? House Committee Takes First Steps

Jun 30, 2017/News

The US Committee on Armed Services approved changes to the 2018 NDAA that orders the US Secretary of Defense to figure out how to bring PTAs, OTAs, and other support personnel in the TRICARE payment system.

Physical Literacy Decline in Children Leads to Adverse Effects in Adults

Jun 30, 2017/News

Physical literacy is as important as literacy in language, music, and mathematics. However, today’s children are becoming less physically literate, which could shorten their lifespan as much as 5 years less than their parents’.

Oxford Debate: Specialist vs Generalist Education; Ciccone Declares Results to be the “Closest Ever”

Jun 30, 2017/News

According to moderator Chuck Ciccone, PT, PhD, FAPTA, the 10th Oxford Debate, held at NEXT 2017, was the closest in its 10-year history. The motion being debated was: “Be it resolved that PT and PTA students will demonstrate expertise in a specific focused area of practice immediately upon

News From NEXT: Now Is the Time for PTs in Primary Care

Jun 30, 2017/News

PTs "are in the perfect position to be involved in primary care," according to John Heick, PT, DPT, PhD, but to make the most of the opportunity, PTs need to understand the current primary care landscape and its potential for the future.