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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Dec 12, 2023/Podcast
What's the vision for PTJ in the next five years?
Oct 30, 2024/Podcast
The countdown has begun for the 50th Annual APTA Combined Sections Meeting, which will be held Feb. 13-15, 2025, in Houston, Texas.
Aug 27, 2021/Podcast
PTJ Editor-in-Chief Alan Jette, PT, PhD, FAPTA, talks with Kathleen Mangione, PT, PhD, FAPTA, about something critically important to physical therapists but rarely top of mind: treatment fidelity.
Dec 30, 2020/Article
Get an earful of inspiration, and help your patients and clients understand the transformative power of physical therapy.
Dec 21, 2018/News
Now on APTA's Move Forward Radio: an interview with Laird Hamilton, who's made an international name for himself as, yes, a fearless surfer but also as an athlete who, in his own words, has survived his body being "torn, punctured, ripped, scraped, broken…you name it."
Oct 8, 2024/Podcast
Learn why PTs should be leaders in falls prevention efforts what APTA is doing to improve access to PT-led falls prevention for Medicare beneficiaries and veterans.
May 2, 2022/Podcast
PTJ walks you through the complexities around multiparticipant therapy provision in SNFs.
Mar 25, 2022/Podcast
This updated Integrated Framework for making clinical decisions responds to changes in evidence, policy, and practice.
Aug 5, 2020/Podcast
T.J. Cantwell of FSBPT answers some common questions about the PT Compact, including requirements for eligibility, what happens if you move, and much more.
Oct 10, 2023/Podcast
A new study assessing balance, gait quality, and fall risk.