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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jan 31, 2018/Article
Reexamination is the process of performing selected tests and measures after the initial examination to evaluate progress and to modify or redirect interventions.
Nov 1, 2017/Article
Helping a warrior gain the strength to serve.
Feb 8, 2021/Article
PTs and PTAs must be aware of the diversity and complexity of gender identity to provide patient-centered, patient-partnered care.
Jan 15, 2021/Article
A baseline for beginning to explore cultural competence as it relates to race and ethnicity.
Jul 7, 2021/Article
APTA COVID-19 Outcome Measures, "profound brain changes," updated return-to-sport guidance, and more.
Mar 30, 2021/Article
A quick explanation of two payer activities that you may encounter in a contract: what they are, what to look for, and what you can do.
Dec 19, 2017/Article
Finals are over, clinicals have ended, and now you've got some time to sit back and relax over the holiday season.
We help you keep track of evolving payment policies for home health.
May 18, 2017/Article
A dominant theme across health care is the strong desire by the consumer to feel heard and understood.
Jul 31, 2018/Article
This year's Mercer–Marquette Challenge broke many milestones and records. In celebrating its 30th year, the Challenge reached a lifetime total of more than $4 million. Adding to the accomplishments, a record-breaking 178 schools participated this year and raised $328,456. This year's top 3 schools are: