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ICD-10: A Primer for PTs

Oct 1, 2015/Column

The new code sets offer greater specificity in identifying health conditions.

Proposed 2022 Fee Schedule: More Cuts, PTA Differential, Telehealth Obstacles

Jul 16, 2021/Review

The proposal contains few surprises, setting the stage for intensified advocacy efforts directed at CMS and Capitol Hill.

APTA Advocacy Win: Defense Dept. to Roll Out System-Wide Direct Access to PTs

Jan 26, 2024/News

A new report from DOD says that positioning PTs as primary care providers for neuromusculoskeletal conditions is "entirely feasible."

Visual Analog Scale – Fatigue (VAS-F) for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Jan 25, 2015/Test & Measure

Visual Analog Scale – Fatigue (VAS-F) for Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Physical Therapy’s Hidden History: Needle in a Haystack — Author Interview With David A. Nicholls, PT, PhD

Sep 10, 2021/Podcast

See the history of the physical therapy profession in a different light! Editor-in-Chief Alan Jette, PT, PhD, FAPTA, talks with David Nicholls, author of PTJ's latest history essay and of the controversial 2017 book titled "The End of Physiotherapy."

From PT in Motion Magazine: A Primer on Major Medicare Payment Changes

Nov 5, 2018/News

In "Moving Toward Quality Payment" in the November issue of PT in Motion, author Christine Lehmann breaks down the QPP into its 2 paths, particularly focusing on MIPs and its reporting requirements.

Looking at Physical Therapy Holistically

Jul 1, 2019/Feature

There's a growing realization that helping patients achieve optimal health requires addressing both the body and the mind. As a practical matter, though, how does that happen? These PTs are showing the way.

APTA Advocacy for EMG, Other Diagnostic Services Results in Payment Clarification from CMS

Oct 11, 2018/News

According to the CMS, board-certified clinical specialists in electrophysiology physical therapy are qualified to provide services involving EMG, NCV, and SEPs without physician supervision,

Menopause: PTs Help to Ease 'The Change'

Sep 1, 2019/Feature

Sometimes overlooked, physical therapy can be highly beneficial in helping women through and beyond this phase of life.

Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)

Jul 24, 2016/Test & Measure

Assesses self-care, mobility, and social functioning in children aged 6 months to 7 years.