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From PT in Motion Magazine: Diversifying the Profession

Jun 6, 2018/News

An exploration of the importance of diversity within the physical therapy profession to improve the health of an increasingly diverse society.

Cerebellar Dysfunction Clinical Summary

Dec 9, 2021/Clinical Summary

Survey of PTs Finds Feelings of Autonomy and Community Could Lower Burnout Risk

Jan 4, 2022/Review

A small-scale study of Texas PTs points to the possible importance of psychological supports in the face of increasing job demands.

Responding to Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused: WHO Clinical Guidelines

Oct 13, 2017/CPG

Recommendations for post-rape care, mental health and approaches to minimizing distress while providing quality evidence-based and trauma informed care to sexual abuse survivors.

Components of Evidence-Based Practice

Mar 23, 2020/Open Access

Best available evidence, the clinician's knowledge and skills, and the patient's wants and needs constitute the three elements of evidence-based practice.

Professional Development, Lifelong Learning, And Continuing Competence In Physical Therapy

Jul 30, 2012/Policies & Bylaws

House position: APTA supports the concepts of continuing competence, lifelong learning, and ongoing professional development.

Understanding the Muslim Community From a PT-Specific Lens

Feb 19, 2020/Perspective

PTs and PTAs should educate themselves about the needs of their patients who identify as Muslim to ensure that patient-centered care remains our profession's priority.

Combatting Sexual Harassment and Inappropriate Patient Sexual Behavior

Feb 1, 2019/Article

The #MeToo movement is shining a bright light on sexual harassment, inappropriate patient behavior, and other sex-related scenarios on campuses and in health care workplaces.

Who Are Tomorrow's PTs and PTAs?

Jun 1, 2018/Feature

As the patient population becomes more diverse, are physical therapy providers keeping up? Who are today's PTs and PTAs? Who will they be tomorrow?

Becoming a Better Ally and Advocate

Jun 25, 2023/APTA Social

In the spirit of Pride month and APTA PT Proud's upcoming advocacy series on LGBTQ+ legislation, June's APTA Social will focus on LGBTQ+ allyship and advocacy.