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What the CI Doesn't See

Aug 1, 2019/Column

When "little things" are big deals.

Ownership Change And Medicare

Jul 1, 2019/Column

Here are the basics on what to report and under what circumstances.

Work Hard, Play Big

Jul 1, 2019/Column

A PT honors her son and serves children with special needs.

The Fix Was On

Aug 1, 2019/Column

A career was shaped by the desire to make things better.

Serving Veterans Through Community Programs

Nov 1, 2019/Column

Here's what PTs need to know about recent changes and how to sign up.

'Where Might We Be Now?' APTA Congressional Briefing Makes a Personal Case for Pain Treatment Alternatives

Jun 10, 2019/News

The APTA-hosted event delivered object lessons in the ways health care policy affects lives in real and direct ways.


Sep 1, 2019/Magazine

View reader online comments from past stories in PT in Motion Magazine.

A Direct Challenge

Oct 1, 2019/Column

When general supervision is legal but problematic.

Powerful Connection

Nov 1, 2019/Column

A patient's request both flatters and concerns a PT.

Congressional Roundup: What's on APTA's Legislative Advocacy Radar

Apr 26, 2019/News

Believe it or not, there's much more going on in Washington, DC, than the stuff that becomes fodder for late-night talkshow hosts. Important legislation is being considered, and APTA and its members are there to advocate for changes that help the physical therapy profession's ability to deliver patient-centered