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CDC: Arthritis Affects 1 in 4 in US; More Emphasis on Physical Activity Needed

May 8, 2019/Article

According to the CDC. among people who experience severe joint pain from OA, a third don't engage in any physical activity.

Now You're Talking!

Aug 1, 2019/Column

Some of clients' most important conversations are internal.

Rock Your World

Sep 1, 2019/Column

Want to get your priorities straight and help your clients do the same? It’s about time. Literally.

Study: Prevalence of Knee OA Today Twice What It Was 75 Years Ago

Aug 15, 2017/News

Knee OA has more than doubled among Americans since 1940, say researchers, and the increase can't be explained by longer lifespans or a higher prevalence of obesity. The real culprit could be physical inactivity.

Study: Physical Therapy May Be Underused Among Patients With OA

Dec 1, 2017/News

Patients with OA may be underusing nonsurgical therapies such as physical therapy, say authors of a recent study published in Arthritis Care & Research. The use of physical therapy, a guideline-recommended first-line treatment, is “a key area for improvement,” researchers write.

Proposed Medicare Fee Schedule Maintains—and Sometimes Increases—Payment for Codes Related to Physical Therapy

Jul 17, 2017/News

No cuts. And even a few increases. That's the major takeaway from the proposed Medicare 2018 physician fee schedule released by CMS.

Technological Possibilities, Practical Challenges: Report Looks at Assistive Technologies in the Workplace

Aug 14, 2017/News

Assistive technologies to help individuals in the workplace are developing at a rapid rate, but if the promise of these technologies is to be fully realized then thinking around access, user training, reimbursement, and other barriers needs to catch up.

Physical Literacy Decline in Children Leads to Adverse Effects in Adults

Jun 30, 2017/News

Physical literacy is as important as literacy in language, music, and mathematics. However, today’s children are becoming less physically literate, which could shorten their lifespan as much as 5 years less than their parents’.

7 Cool Things That Happened at APTA Over the Summer (And 1 Cool Thing for the Foundation)

Sep 19, 2017/News

As part of "Listember" week at PT in Motion News, here are 7 good things that happened at APTA over the summer—and 1 extremely good thing that happened at the Foundation for Physical Therapy.

APTA Reaches 100K Member Milestone

Aug 7, 2017/News

The association reached the milestone on August 4, after a spring and summer campaign highlighting the ways APTA membership benefits both the individual member and the profession as a whole.