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Final Spending Bill Falls Short in Offsetting Fee Schedule Cuts

Dec 20, 2022/News

The omnibus package provides insufficient relief, but it does include several wins for the profession in other areas.

Staying On Message: Public Perceptions of Physical Therapy

Feb 1, 2023/Feature

The recently released APTA Consumer Awareness Research Report sheds light on how the public regards physical therapy.

Defining Moment: Diagnosing a New Beginning

Oct 3, 2023/Podcast

One PT's struggle in DPT school led to an ADHD diagnosis.

Advocacy at the State Level: A Look at Hot Issues for 2024

Jan 23, 2024/Podcast

Direct access, the compact, and more.

Student Loan Repayment Program to Include PTs? Health Services Corps Bill Reintroduced in US Senate

Apr 5, 2019/News

Legislation that would list PTs among the professions included in a federal program to provide greater patient access to health care in rural and underserved areas.

APTA Advisory: CMS Opens the Possibility of Providing Care to a Patient in the Same Building — But Not in the Same Room

Apr 9, 2020/News

Details are in short supply, but in a recent communication with APTA, CMS seems to say that a PT's evaluation or treatment visit via real-time video, if delivered to a patient in a different room of the same building, could be billed as in-person services.

Cervical Joint Position Error (JPE), cervical kinesthetic sense, Cervical Joint Position Error Test (Cervical JPET)

Mar 8, 2015/Test & Measure

Joint position error includes input from not only joint receptors but also muscles, tendons, capsules, and skin.

Fatigue Severity Scale

Jun 5, 2017/Test & Measure

FSS is a unidimensional self-report questionnaire that measures how fatigue impacts one’s ability to function in the last week.

Proposed 2019 Fee Schedule: Goodbye Functional Limitation Reporting, Hello MIPS?

Jul 13, 2018/News

CMS is proposing that PTs join the list of providers who must participate in the CMS Quality Payment Program.

Survey: Many PTs Encounter Barriers to Finding, Implementing Evidence

May 1, 2023/Review

The survey was conducted in Brazil — could the same be true in the U.S.? APTA member resources can help eliminate EBP obstacles.