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Member Input Sought on APTA Bylaws

Sep 30, 2020/Members Only

Invitation to APTA members: Share your ideas on how APTA bylaws can support a transformative organization.

A View From the Summit: Physical Therapy's Promising Future

Feb 1, 2022/Feature

APTA's Future of Physical Therapy Summit offered inspiration — and a challenge to take risks to help the profession achieve its potential.

Regulatory Update, Feb. 2, 2022: CMS on Beneficiary Payment for Dry Needling

Feb 2, 2022/Article

CMS still isn't paying for dry needling, but it has provided some guidance on how to successfully bill a beneficiary for the service.

Final Spending Bill Falls Short in Offsetting Fee Schedule Cuts

Dec 20, 2022/News

The omnibus package provides insufficient relief, but it does include several wins for the profession in other areas.

Staying On Message: Public Perceptions of Physical Therapy

Feb 1, 2023/Feature

The recently released APTA Consumer Awareness Research Report sheds light on how the public regards physical therapy.

Defining Moment: Diagnosing a New Beginning

Oct 3, 2023/Podcast

One PT's struggle in DPT school led to an ADHD diagnosis.

Advocacy at the State Level: A Look at Hot Issues for 2024

Jan 23, 2024/Podcast

Direct access, the compact, and more.

Cash-Based Practice: It's Complicated

Aug 1, 2021/Column

Thinking about going cash-based? You still won't be completely free of constraints.

2018-2019 Pitt-Marquette Challenge

Mar 21, 2019/News

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May the Force Be With You

Apr 1, 2015/Feature

What PTs can learn from astronauts, a relay, and exercising in space.