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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Dec 15, 2020/Article
PTs and PTAs can play a unique role in addressing this major health factor.
Jan 8, 2021/Article
Insight on working in cross-cultural situations.
Dec 28, 2020/Article
Members shared their perspectives on everything from cash-based practice to what it's like to struggle to recover from COVID-19.
Sep 11, 2020/Article
The profession's attention to population health must include knowledge and promotion of immunization.
Oct 16, 2020/Article
Federal requirements are aimed at increasing access to patient data. Providers need to understand what's expected of them.
Jul 6, 2020/Video
Nicole Stout, PT, DPT, FAPTA, focuses on implementation of prospective surveillance models as she challenges PTs and PTAs with the question, "Why are we waiting?"
Private practices faces shared challenges while providing unique experiences to their consumers.
Physical therapy in a school setting promotes participation.
Dry needling in physical therapy is increasing, yet the intervention is included in the PT scope of practice in some states but not others.
Studies have indicated that genetic factors influence many, if not most of the diseases commonly encountered in clinical practice by physical therapists.