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Is Your Practice ADA Compliant? Part 3 of a 3-Part Series

Jul 24, 2023/Article

Communicating with an individual with a communications disability

My 5-Year Plan Is a 1-Year Plan - Finding My Way

Nov 29, 2017/Podcast

Megan Roos began her career in architecture. But after almost 5 years she realized her career wasn’t aligned with who she was as a person.

Fundraising Ideas for the 2017-2018 Mercer-Marquette Challenge!

Sep 17, 2017/News

University bookstores are a great resource for organizing fundraisers.

Reporting Requirements: Improvement Activities

Feb 27, 2024/Resource

The improvement activities performance category of MIPS measures participation in activities that improve clinical practice.

PTJ Author Interview With Sabine Vesting: Early Postpartum Exercise and the Impact on Pelvic Symptoms

Feb 27, 2024/Podcast

When can you start exercising after pregnancy?

Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI)

Jan 6, 2014/Test & Measure

Measures symptoms on three subscales.

Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI I/WISCI II)

Oct 29, 2014/Test & Measure

Measures walking limitations secondary to a spinal cord injury (SCI) in adults.

TRICARE to Begin Pilot That Waives Cost-Sharing for Physical Therapy for LBP

Jun 30, 2020/News

The 10-state plan waives cost-sharing for up to three visits to increase uptake of physical therapy.

Acute Care in Physical Therapy Resources for Educators

Use these resources to help your students expand their understanding of acute care in physical therapy.

Performance Fit Video Series

Looking for some exercise inspiration? Explore this on-demand exercise video program from Performance PT, and work out in the comfort of your own home.