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Capabilities of Upper Extremity Functioning Instrument (CUE)

May 21, 2013/Test & Measure

Measures upper extremity (UE) function.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Management of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

Sep 5, 2014/CPG

This guideline provides recommendations for the treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in pediatric, adolescent, and adult patients.

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q, PAR-Q+)

Aug 14, 2017/Test & Measure

The PAR-Q was developed in an effort to standardize activity screening for persons aged 15-69 years.

VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Pregnancy

Mar 1, 2018/CPG

This guideline provides recommendations related to the evaluation, treatment, and overall management of women who are pregnant.

Cerebral Palsy in Adults [NG119]

Jan 15, 2019/CPG

This guideline provides recommendations for adults with cerebral with the aim of improving health and wellbeing.

Physical Therapy in Skilled Nursing Facilities

PTs are part of the collaborative care team at SNFs.

Vitamin D Takes a Tumble in New Falls Prevention Recommendations

May 1, 2018/Review

USPSTF has updated its recommendations for falls prevention in older adults, and vitamin D supplements are out of the picture.

PTAs Harness the Power of Lifelong Relationships

Sep 1, 2022/Feature

More than two decades ago, a group of physical therapist assistants helped guide a big change at APTA. In the process they did something even more important — they became lifelong colleagues and friends as the "Barefoot Gang."


Licensure is managed by individual state regulatory boards and is required to practice as a PT or work as a PTA in the United States.

Position Paper: The Prevent Interruptions In Physical Therapy Act

Mar 22, 2024/Position Paper

Using these arrangements, providers are able to ensure that their patient care does not lapse and that appointments are not missed at the same clinic.