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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Feb 5, 2021/News
The major commercial insurer follows Cigna in a decision to lift misguided coding edits, a target of APTA advocacy efforts.
May 1, 2022/Article
APTA builds off the success of one strategic plan while launching the next one.
Dec 1, 2022/Feature
Medicare data shows that physical therapy of needed intensity improves functionality and saves money across post-acute care settings.
Apr 19, 2019/Comment Letters
The Alliance for Integrity in Medicare -- a broad coalition of medical specialty, laboratory, radiation oncology, and medical imaging groups committed to ending the practice of inappropriate physician self-referral.
Dec 1, 2019/Open Access
The correct degree nomenclature for the professional (entry-level) and the postprofessional transition clinical doctorate is "DPT." In these FAQs, the nomenclature "postprofessional DPT " has been used to distinguish the DPT degree conferred upon completion of a transition program from the DPT conferred
May 21, 2013/Test & Measure
Measures upper extremity (UE) function.
Aug 22, 2022/CPG
This guideline provides recommendations for the treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in pediatric, adolescent, and adult patients.
Aug 14, 2017/Test & Measure
The PAR-Q was developed in an effort to standardize activity screening for persons aged 15-69 years.
Mar 1, 2018/CPG
This guideline provides recommendations related to the evaluation, treatment, and overall management of women who are pregnant.
Jan 15, 2019/CPG
This guideline provides recommendations for adults with cerebral with the aim of improving health and wellbeing.