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News From NEXT: Now Is the Time for PTs in Primary Care

Jun 30, 2017/News

PTs "are in the perfect position to be involved in primary care," according to John Heick, PT, DPT, PhD, but to make the most of the opportunity, PTs need to understand the current primary care landscape and its potential for the future.

Proposed 2019 Fee Schedule: Goodbye Functional Limitation Reporting, Hello MIPS?

Jul 13, 2018/News

CMS is proposing that PTs join the list of providers who must participate in the CMS Quality Payment Program.

From PT in Motion Magazine: An Ethical Energy Crisis

May 9, 2017/News

What happens when motivation runs up against professional ethics?

New Report Confirms Health Outcomes Are Improved When Virtual MSK Care Is Guided by a PT

Jun 5, 2024/Open Access

The independent evaluation supports APTA’s position that digital physical therapy services only be performed or directed by licensed PTs.

Foundation Announces 2017 Scholarship, Grant Opportunities

Apr 23, 2017/News

The Foundation is accepting applications for the 2017 Kendall Doctoral Scholarships and Research Grants.

Implementing Telehealth in Your Practice STAT: Guidance from Telehealth PTs

Mar 26, 2020/Article

Providers will discuss how they manage patients and deliver effective care from a distance in pediatric, neurological, women’s health, orthopedic settings.

'Choosing Wisely' App Now Available

Aug 2, 2017/News

The ABIM Foundation has unveiled the first "Choosing Wisely" app for iPhone, a tool that enables consumers and clinicians to access recommendations on procedures that tend to be done frequently, yet whose usefulness is called into question by evidence.

A Deathly Silence

Oct 1, 2016/Column

Should a physical therapist tell a patient that she is terminally ill?


May 9, 2020/Magazine

Viewpoints: Online Comments

Practice Guidelines Emerge for Physical Therapy and COVID-19 in Acute Hospital Setting

Mar 26, 2020/News

Recommendations aimed at PTs in acute care settings who are providing care to patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.