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Finding Physical Therapy Literature

Mar 23, 2020/Article

No single database provides access to every journal or magazine article ever published. Here are places to start your research quest.

What's New at PTNow?

Jun 12, 2019/News

PTNow, the association's flagship site for evidence-based practice resources, continues to expand in ways that help PTs and PTAs easily access the evidence they need in just a few clicks. If you haven't visited the site lately, check it out soon. Here's a quick take on the latest additions to the site.

Serving Your Community as a Student

Sep 24, 2019/Perspective

Getting involved with PTDOS as a student is easy and a great way to connect your program with your local community.

Researchers: 1 in 3 People Worldwide Had a Condition That Rehab Could've Helped

Jan 5, 2021/Review

A global study of disease burden finds a glaring need for rehab in primary care.

Study Reveals Significant Disparities in Nursing Home Staffing

Aug 31, 2022/Review

About 16% of nursing homes are in severely deprived neighborhoods and lag behind in available personnel, particularly PTs and RNs.

Vision Fulfilled

Jul 1, 2015/Column

A career that was meant to be.

Student Spotlight: APTA Oncology, an academy of the American Physical Therapy Association

Aug 21, 2020/Open Access

The mission of APTA Oncology is to optimize movement and quality of life of individuals impacted by cancer and chronic illness.

Stay on Top of Medicare Changes With Latest APTA Fact Sheets

Feb 5, 2017/News

APTA has resources to help you navigate your way to safe harbor.

IRFs Could See 2.5% Increase From CMS in FY 2020; Additional Reporting Requirements in FY 2022

Apr 19, 2019/News

If a proposed rule from the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is adopted as planned, inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) will see a 2.5% payment increase in the 2020 fiscal year (FY), which begins October 1, 2019—an approximate boost of $195 million. But they'll also need to prepare for

Tracking Changes in the Regulatory Environment

Jun 1, 2017/Column

Updates, tips, and resources.