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From Move Forward Radio: Retreat Helps Veterans With Amputation—and Their Families

Jan 15, 2019/News

Adjusting to life after an amputation can affect a veteran’s entire family, not just the individual. That reality wasn't lost on the Travis Mills Foundation, which offers a retreat program that aims to help veterans and their families bond with one another and participate in traditional activities that

The Vocational Interest Test Got It Right

Apr 1, 2022/Column

Actions both small and heroic as a "yellow jacket" in an NYU summer program prompted a career in physical therapy.

Three Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Clinical Rotations

Apr 3, 2017/Perspective

It's a really interesting transition from student to clinician.

Judge Lays Out What CMS Must Do to Correct Jimmo Education Failings

Feb 6, 2017/News

These education efforts were supposed to have taken place after the 2013 Jimmo settlement around the improvement standard.

Respected Research: PTJ's Influence Continues To Rise

Jul 1, 2020/News

The latest impact factor reports once again put APTA's journal in the top 10 most-cited rehab research publications.

My Favorite Year?

May 9, 2020/Column

We needn't depend on others to define it.

What's Your Story?

Apr 1, 2020/Article

It's deeply relevant to the challenges we're all facing at a time of pandemic.

Coronavirus Update: July 7

Jul 7, 2021/Article

APTA COVID-19 Outcome Measures, "profound brain changes," updated return-to-sport guidance, and more.

The Magic of Measurement

May 1, 2019/Column

It can pay to get "on track."

Move Forward Radio: Avoiding Muscle Atrophy When Injured

Mar 16, 2018/News

Now available from APTA's Move Forward Radio: a conversation with Ryan Balmes, PT, DPT, who addresses many common questions and concerns about what happens when the body is recovering from injury and the role of the PT in that process.