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Feb 1, 2020/Magazine

View reader online comments from past stories in PT in Motion Magazine.

CMS: Potential Flexibility for Hospital Outpatient Department PTs and PTAs in Care Delivery; PTAs can Furnish Telehealth in Private Prac...

May 6, 2020/News

CMS representatives say hospitals could opt for a process to designate outpatients' homes as "temporary expansion locations" to allow for remote care.

COVID-19 Research Updates and Perspectives

May 1, 2020/Roundup

A collection of recently published studies and opinion pieces relevant to COVID-19.

CMS Guidance Allows PTs, PTAs in Private Practice to Provide Services Via Telehealth

Apr 30, 2020/News

The change now includes PTs among the health care providers permitted to bill for real-time face-to-face services using telehealth.

Physician Fee Schedule Coding Updates

Feb 1, 2020/Column

Changes for 2020 include new codes for dry needling and changes to a number of existing codes.

In Wake of Nassar Conviction, PT Points to Need for Patient Education on Legitimate Pelvic Physical Therapy

Jan 31, 2018/News

In an article written for the HuffPost, APTA member Lora "Lori" Mize and certified clinical specialist in women's health physical therapy, raised concern that the Nassar case also may create a ripple effect that could discourage individuals from seeking legitimate and responsibly delivered pelvic physical

APTA Advisory: Pay Attention to Requirements When Billing Insurers for Services Delivered via Telehealth

Apr 29, 2020/News

It's your responsibility to stay on top of what is and isn't reimbursed, but APTA can help.

CMS Officially Recognizes Compacts

May 8, 2020/News

Now available: a CMS resource verifying the agency’s recognition of interstate license compacts.

New APTA Podcast Series Explores Big Picture and Details of Value-Based Care

Feb 13, 2018/News

Everyone's talking about "value-based care," but what does the concept really mean, and how will it affect your practice? That's the subject of a new 21-part podcast series now available for download from APTA.

New CMS Rule Includes Therapy Codes in Telehealth, Stops Short of Allowing PTs to Conduct Telehealth Services

Mar 31, 2020/News

CMS has announced "sweeping" temporary changes that give a nod to the potential for true telehealth by PTs even though regulatory barriers still prevent that from happening. Could it be a sign of more to come?