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States Acting To Expand Telehealth

Feb 1, 2021/Column

Here's a roundup of APTA national and chapter activities and resources to aid your state's efforts.

A Purposeful Ride

Dec 1, 2020/Column

Many life experiences led to work at a pro bono clinic.

Study: HIIT Could Be a Hit for Gait Training Poststroke

Mar 10, 2023/Review

Researchers found significant benefits from a high-intensity program for individuals poststroke with walking limitations.

APTA Advisory: Pay Attention to Requirements When Billing Insurers for Services Delivered via Telehealth

Apr 29, 2020/News

It's your responsibility to stay on top of what is and isn't reimbursed, but APTA can help.

Your Patients Need To See This — And Act

Aug 31, 2021/News

The PTA differential and proposed cuts to payment under Medicare put patients at risk. APTA makes it easy for them to speak up.

Let's Do This: Customizable Comment Letters on Fee Schedule Now Available

Jul 28, 2021/News

It's time to let CMS know exactly what we think about their proposed 2022 fee schedule. APTA makes it easy.

Health Emergency Extended into January 2023, Raising Questions

Oct 26, 2022/News

The crossover into a new year could have implications on allowances for virtual supervision of PTAs and telehealth.

Telehealth Solutions Discount for APTA Members

Feb 12, 2020/Members Only

APTA members save on special offers from BetterTelehealth, BlueJay Telehealth, and BlueJay Engage.

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The information APTA provides on the website and Forums is provided for informational purposes only. While APTA makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information, APTA does not represent, warrant, endorse, approve or certify any information displayed, uploaded, downloaded or distributed

Resources from Educational Organizations

Jan 21, 2020/Article

American Council on Education (ACE) The American Council on Education (ACE) is a membership organization that mobilizes the higher education community to shape effective public policy and foster innovative, high-quality practice. It is the major coordinating body for the nation’s colleges and universities