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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jun 1, 2022/Feature
APTA's chapters, sections, and academies are responding to the association's encouragement to create DEI committees. Here are three examples.
A 2021 report outlined a vision of excellence in physical therapy education. What's needed next is action to realize it.
Mar 18, 2022/Open Access
If you’re looking to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of Physical Therapy, please review the information and resources provided by World Physiotherapy.
Jun 1, 2022/Column
A home visit to a patient with an intriguing background leads a PT back to the profession.
May 18, 2022/Perspective
An autistic PT identifies some of the things autistic adults would like their physical therapists to know.
Jun 1, 2022/Podcast
CPT codes play an important role in describing services and procedures performed by health care providers and ultimately in the payment for those services.
May 26, 2022/News
The new reforms are aimed at increasing access to income-driven and public service programs.
Jun 3, 2022/Roundup
APTA's videos explore, celebrate, and challenge. Here's a rundown of some of the latest offerings.
May 24, 2022/Roundup
One million deaths, long COVID in older adults, boosters for children, health care worker burnout, and more.
May 25, 2022/News
The national recognition underscores APTA's commitment to movement — and just in time for National Bike to Work Day.