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Is More Always Better?

Sep 1, 2017/Column

This Ethics in Practice Column from APTA Magazine highlights potential ethical challenges that can be associated with some productivity demands.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-2 and GAD-7)

Dec 28, 2022/Test & Measure

This brief self-report measure was developed to help identify people who may have generalized anxiety disorder.

PTJ Announces Brand Change, Publication Enhancements, New Look

Nov 13, 2020/News

APTA's flagship journal will begin 2021 with a new APTA-aligned brand that reflects its prominence in rehabilitation.

Advanced Cancer Patients Can Benefit From Structured Exercise, Say Researchers

May 21, 2018/Review

Incorporating structured exercise into supportive care can help improve the lives of patients with advanced cancer, say researchers.

Telehealth Isn't a Given for Physical Therapy After the Pandemic

Dec 1, 2021/Column

Telehealth in physical therapy shouldn't be an emergency-only option.

Final 2021 Home Health Rule Includes Telehealth Expansions, 1.9% Increase

Nov 4, 2020/Review

CMS' final version of the rule doesn't depart much from what it proposed in June.

How Climbing Has Shaped My Perspective as a Physical Therapy Student

Apr 1, 2020/Perspective

Climbing taught me how to be resilient and strong, and the lessons I learned in climbing remind me, that yes, we will get through this — together.

Novel Coronavirus: A Wake-up Call for Best Practices in Preventing Pathogen Transmission

Mar 9, 2020/Perspective

In anticipation of future patients being infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we must think holistically in terms of clinic disinfection and protection. 

Study: 'Profit-Maximizing' SNFs Were Quick to Decrease Staffing After PDPM

Jan 17, 2023/Article

Researchers analyzed the effects of the Patient-Driven Payment Model payment system — and the pandemic — on therapy staffing in SNFs.

Win: CMS Backs off Changes That Got in the Way of Common Code Pairings

Apr 21, 2020/News

Life just got a little easier for PTs dealing with CMS National Correct Coding Initiative edits.