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2020 APTA Federal Advocacy Forum Will Feature Impressive Line-up; Registration Closes March 16

Feb 14, 2020/News

APTA is gearing up for this year's APTA Federal Advocacy Forum, where members will have the opportunity to go to Capitol Hill to advocate on key legislation affecting the profession, including patient access to care, student loan forgiveness via the National Health Service Corps, prior authorization,

Get Involved With APTA: 5 'Light Lift' (and Fun) Opportunities

Jun 7, 2019/News

Maybe you've been thinking about getting more involved with APTA, but worry about the time commitment. Maybe committee service just isn't your thing. Maybe you have a story you've been dying to share with members. Maybe you just want to dip your toe in the involvement pool before diving in later. APTA's

From PT in Motion: Walking Away From the PT Designation

Dec 1, 2017/News

Want to focus on all the good you can do for people without the burden of having that "PT" designation after your name? How about just dropping the title and calling yourself something else? Simple answer: it doesn't work that way.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in Local News, October 2017

Oct 18, 2017/News

"The Good Stuff," is an occasional series that highlights recent, mostly local media coverage of physical therapy and APTA members, with an emphasis on good news and stories of how individual PTs and PTAs are transforming health care and society every day.

The Good Stuff: Members and the Profession in the Media, October 2020

Oct 14, 2020/Roundup

Members and the profession in the media.

Maley Lecture: Time to Take Your Medicine (to the Next Level)

Jun 6, 2022/News

This year's H.P. Maley Lecture is about what's at the center of the profession — and the possibilities ahead.

The First 100 Years of APTA

May 8, 2020/Article

Our first century saw war, public health crises, and the continued growth of our association in strength and numbers.

APTA Resource Makes it Easy to Deliver Personalized Comments On Proposed Home Health Rule

Aug 22, 2017/News

If a rule from CMS is adopted as proposed, PTs and PTAs who work in home health could find themselves in a very different payment environment as early as 2019. APTA offers a template letter for PTs and PTAs who want to comment on the proposed 2018 HH PPS.

Coronavirus Update: March 30, 2020

Mar 30, 2020/News

Practice guidance for pediatric physical therapy, a new volunteer resource, accelerated Medicare payments, and more.

Section of the Month: Section on Women's Health

Jan 12, 2017/News

What does the section have to offer its student members?