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Modality Realities

Jun 1, 2016/Column

A PTA's concern about an aspect of the care plan is dismissed.

Where's the Crime?

Aug 1, 2016/Column

Weighing the consequences of silence.

Discussing Mentorship on July's #XchangeSA

Jul 27, 2016/Article

So you want a mentor, but where do you even find one?

In the Rough

Mar 1, 2020/Column

A PT-patient relationship built on golf goes off course.

Practicing What We Preach: Rethinking Acceptance into DPT Programs

Jul 13, 2020/Perspective

In light of continued police and institutional violence against marginalized communities, many professional organizations — including APTA — are taking time to reflect.

Justin Moore, PT, DPT

May 12, 2021/Author

Justin Moore is Chief Executive Officer of the American Physical Therapy Association.

Upper Limb Functional Index (ULFI)

Dec 12, 2013/Test & Measure

Measures upper limb function.

Official American Thoracic Society Technical Standards: Spirometry in the Occupational Setting

Apr 15, 2014/CPG

Official American Thoracic Society Technical Standards: Spirometry in the Occupational Setting

APTA Hospital Readmission Handout

Oct 20, 2020/Handouts

APTA has developed this handout that lists the wealth of research on the role that physical therapists play in reducing hospital readmissions.

Pain Management

The CDC recommends safe alternatives like physical therapy to manage most pain.