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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Apr 11, 2022/Perspective
Engaged members are the heart of APTA. In recognition of National Volunteer Month, we thank our member volunteers for their service.
Apr 6, 2022/Review
Researchers analyzing data from a U.S. Census survey found gaps regardless of practice setting or geographical region.
Apr 11, 2022/News
A total of $500k is available across a variety of research areas — but pay attention to application deadlines.
Apr 13, 2022/Roundup
APTA members offer up their professional expertise in a variety of areas featured in the media.
May 2, 2022/Podcast
PTJ walks you through the complexities around multiparticipant therapy provision in SNFs.
Apr 29, 2022/News
The draft CPG, rooted in a review of current research, addresses nonoperative and operative management.
May 2, 2022/Perspective
The onsite physical therapist must act with urgency — like your hair is on fire!
May 1, 2022/Column
On occasion, the lines blur and we may step outside of our professional scope with potential consequences.
May 9, 2022/Perspective
This is when physical therapy can have a strong impact — during a time of healing, hormonal shifts, and altered body mechanics.
May 11, 2022/News
The findings from the HHS Inspector General's office echo APTA's longstanding concerns with the system.