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Locum Tenens: The Basics

Mar 1, 2020/Article

Locum tenens allows a PT to bring in another licensed PT to treat Medicare patients and bill Medicare through the practice provider number.

Fair Copays: What Opponents Are Saying

Nov 18, 2019/Article

Here are five common talking points used to fight fair copay legislation.

APTA Honors and Awards

Nov 29, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Outlines the purpose, eligibility requirements, criteria, and procedures for APTA Honors and Awards.

APTA Statement in Support of Essential Health Benefits

Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Statement on APTA supporting the inclusion of a defined package of essential health benefits in all insurance plans to ensure individuals have adequate access to comprehensive health services that meet their unique needs.

Authorization to Establish Accounts and Use Funds

Nov 29, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Describes establishment of financial accounts and the use of funds by designated and authorized staff.

Best Practice in Mentoring in Physical Therapy

Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Provides information on best practice for mentoring colleagues, physical therapist and physical therapist assistant students, postprofessional students, residents and fellows.

Designation of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, or Both Disabilities as a Medically Underserved Population

Jun 3, 2015/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the designation of individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities, or both, as a medically under-served population.

Collection of Component Dues

Aug 1, 2012/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Component dues shall be collected at association headquarters.

Councils – Purposes, Member Qualifications, Governance, and Deliverables

Nov 26, 2022/Policies & Bylaws

Board policy: Describes the purpose of an APTA council and provides information on existing councils within the association.

Educational Degree Qualifications and Nomenclature for PTs and PTAs

Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws

House position: Describes the minimum professional education qualification for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants.