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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Jun 1, 2020/News
Election results for APTA's Board of Directors and Nominating Committee on Monday, June 1.
Jan 19, 2022/Roundup
Members sharing their expertise, insights, and experiences with the media.
Feb 1, 2022/Feature
New APTA President Roger Herr talks about moving from clinician to manager, how his parents were role models, and his plans for the association.
APTA's Future of Physical Therapy Summit offered inspiration — and a challenge to take risks to help the profession achieve its potential.
Jan 26, 2022/Review
The analysis echoes recommendations in a new CPG from APTA on PT management of PD.
Feb 1, 2022/Column
A light came on not only in a dark hospital basement but in a future PT’s head that this was her ideal career.
Feb 1, 2022/Perspective
Professional burnout may require some effort to resolve, but the outcome is worth it.
Jan 28, 2022/News
Prioritize your career development and enrich your knowledge in a specific area of care through APTA’s innovative program.
Feb 18, 2022/Roundup
Compare your list, get fired up for next year's conference, and check out our on-demand CSM content available in March.
Feb 2, 2022/Article
CMS still isn't paying for dry needling, but it has provided some guidance on how to successfully bill a beneficiary for the service.