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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Aug 30, 2018/Policies & Bylaws
House position: Provides an overview of electrophysiologic examinations and evaluations as practiced by physical therapists.
Aug 7, 2012/Policies & Bylaws
House position: The American Physical Therapy Association endorses the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
Sep 2, 2016/Policies & Bylaws
House position: Outlines endorsement of efforts addressing the opioid health crisis
Sep 20, 2019/Policies & Bylaws
House position: APTA supports the development and utilization of evidence‐based practice.
House position: APTA supports the following health priorities for populations and individuals in the areas of prevention, wellness, fitness, health promotion, and management of disease and disability.
Aug 29, 2018/Policies & Bylaws
House position: APTA supports and encourages physical therapist ownership and operation of physical therapy services.
Oct 1, 2013/Policies & Bylaws
House position: APTA shall pursue documentation standards that focus primarily on clinical reasoning and decision making in the provision of physical therapist services.
House position: APTA supports a health system that addresses the health needs of older adults.
House position: Telehealth is a well‐defined and established method of health services delivery.
House position: APTA supports physical therapists as part of the interdisciplinary team of licensed health services providers who deliver concussion management and rehabilitation.