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Apr 1, 2020/Magazine

APTA welcomes your opinions. We will consider letters, email, and social media posts that relate to specific articles in the magazine and those of general interest to the physical therapy profession.

Bundled Payment for Care Improvements Advanced

Mar 9, 2018/Article

Thinking about joining a BPCI Advanced model? Consider these four steps.

Patient-Driven Groupings Model

The PDGM is a shift away from volume-driven home health payment to a model that focuses on the unique characteristics, needs, and goals of each patient.

Quick Guide To Using the PTA Modifier

Mar 19, 2021/Resource

Use this guide to help you identify when you must apply the CQ modifier, which we updated in March 2021 to reflect new details from CMS.

APTA and CMS Webinar on Quality Payment Program, MIPS, and Advanced APMs

Sep 7, 2018/Article

Recorded webinar - FREE and only offered to APTA members

Calculating Payment Under the Physician Fee Schedule: What You Should Know

Nov 9, 2020/Resource

Review terms and concepts are important in understanding the coding valuation process and the policies that impact Medicare payment amounts.

A Costly Loan

Dec 1, 2020/Column

Unilateral action, a dual relationship, and unintended consequences.

Students' Privacy Rights: Where HIPAA and FERPA Intersect

Sep 1, 2020/Column

Familiarize yourself with these protections - and know your ethical responsibilities.

My Way of Finding that Student-Life Balance

Mar 8, 2017/Perspective

I don't study after 5:00 pm or on weekends, and my GPA is doing as well as ever.

Are You Making the National Physical Therapy Exam Harder Than It Needs to Be?

Jun 11, 2018/Perspective

Here are ways that you can actually reduce the amount of test anxiety you have about the exam.