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New APTA Leadership Opportunities Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Jul 22, 2020/News

We're looking for volunteers to serve on a new standing committee and the PT Fund Board of Trustees.

Health Care Needs More Providers With Disabilities

Apr 24, 2019/Perspective

How often do you see a health care provider who is differently abled? Rarely, if ever, right?

Another Kind of Mobility – Defining Moment

Aug 3, 2020/Podcast

Serving patients where they live, through a different practice model. By Mollie Hope, PT, DPT.

PT Compact: 101

Aug 5, 2020/Podcast

T.J. Cantwell of FSBPT answers some common questions about the PT Compact, including requirements for eligibility, what happens if you move, and much more.

Busting Payment Myths (and Regulating Your Expectations), Part 5

Aug 4, 2020/Perspective

In an effort to get everyone on the same page, I'm debunking some of the most prevalent Medicare myths I've been seeing lately on social media and in other venues.

MIPS Performance Scores Now Available

Aug 7, 2020/News

CMS has released its MIPS scores for your 2019 performance, which could affect your payment in 2021.

Specialist Certifications Still Within Reach

Aug 12, 2020/News

ABPTS is extending application deadlines and offering payment options for PTs interested in pursuing board certification.

Time To Defend the Profession: Add Your Voice in Opposition to Payment Cuts

Aug 11, 2020/News

We're making it easy to do your part to call for action against a proposed 9% Medicare payment cut. Momentum is building.

DEI Discussions: Race and Racism

Aug 21, 2020/Podcast

APTA's first in a series of discussions about diversity, equity, and inclusion. This discussion focused on race and racism in physical therapy.

What Is PTPAC? Five Things You Need to Know

Feb 3, 2023/News

Our political action committee is working on issues that matter now and into the profession's future.