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May 9, 2020/Magazine

Viewpoints: Online Comments

PTJ: New CPG Supported by APTA Provides Guidance on PT Treatment of Individuals With Heart Failure

Feb 5, 2020/Review

Nine evidence-based action statements for the evaluation and management of patients with heart failure and two algorithms for clinical decision making.

Our Experiences Matter When It Comes to Advocacy

Jun 21, 2021/Perspective

Sharing our professional experiences makes a difference when it comes to advocacy efforts.

5 Things to Know About the Coronavirus Vaccine Distribution

Mar 5, 2021/Roundup

Three vaccines are now approved, and some states recognize PTs as eligible to administer them.

Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Takes on PTA Differential, Offers Options

May 19, 2021/News

In a letter to HHS, 5 House members say a Medicare 15% payment differential for outpatient PTA and OTA services will harm rural areas.

Global PT Day of Service: Together We Adapt and Serve

Oct 8, 2020/Perspective

This year has forced us all to adapt and (hopefully) grow in so many aspects of our personal and professional lives.

Research Rocks On: Non-COVID-19 Studies You Might've Missed, Part 2

Jul 31, 2020/Roundup

The coronavirus pandemic hasn't stopped the flow of other research relevant to physical therapy — here's part 2 of our roundup series.

Outpatient Services During a Pandemic: Finding Your Ethical Footing

May 19, 2020/Perspective

During COVID-19, it is our professional skill in knowing how to creatively adapt, adjust, and cope that will bring us through these uncertain and unprecedented times.

Thinking About Providing Telehealth? Here's Our Top 10 'To-Do' List

Mar 27, 2020/Article

Review these tips before making a decision about whether telehealth is the right approach for you — or if it's even possible.

Study: Only 10% of Physician Visits for LBP Resulted in Physical Therapy Referrals 1997–2010 While Opioid Prescriptions Climbed

Apr 30, 2017/Review

In brief: Study analyzed data from 170 million visits to a primary care physician 1997–2010 Referrals for physical therapy occurred in 10% of the visits, a rate that was fairly constant during the study period Prescriptions for opioids rose from about 15% to 45% by 2010; patients who didn't receive a