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Analysis: Exercise, Psychological Treatment Outperforms Drug-Based Approaches for Cancer-Related Fatigue

Sep 20, 2017/Review

"Clinicians should prescribe exercise or psychological interventions as first-line treatments for CRF."

2017's Top Stories From PT in Motion News

Jan 1, 2018/Roundup

The past year was another eventful one for the physical therapy profession, and with more than 270 stories posted during 2017, readers of PT in Motion News were able to keep up with a wide range of developments, from payment to research to new APTA offerings. Here are 7 of the most-read stories from

12-Year Study Tracks Impact of Television Viewing Patterns on Strength

Mar 8, 2017/Review

Researchers have amassed 12 years' worth of data that shows how extended viewing habits can impact knee extensor strength.

Ohio Workers' Comp Program Requires Nonsurgical, Nonopioid Treatment of LBP as a First Step

Jan 11, 2018/News

Ohio's workers' compensation program has rejected spinal fusion surgery and opioid prescriptions as an early response to back pain.

Class Action - Defining Moment

Sep 12, 2018/Podcast

Students identify and meet a need. Patients with cancer benefit.

Emergency Department PT

May 6, 2020/Podcast

An emergency department PT shares insight on what working in this setting is like, and gives advice to students and new grads considering pursing the ED as a career path.

Study: Manual Therapy Works as Well, And Sometimes Better, Than Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Mar 5, 2017/Perspective

The physical therapy group reported more significant gains in the first month.

APTA Joins OT and SLP Groups to Provide Input on Future Health Care Legislation

Mar 7, 2017/News

APTA made the case for the importance of patient access to habilitation and rehabilitation as crucial components of "high-quality affordable health care."

Researchers Report Another Success in Using Electrical Stimulation to Restore Voluntary Movement in a Patient With Paralysis

Apr 11, 2017/Review

Researchers successfully replicated an earlier study that used spinal cord electrical stimulation to help an individual intentionally move his paralyzed legs.

Free Webinar for PTAs Focuses on the Value of APTA Membership

Apr 10, 2017/News

Physical therapist assistants (PTAs) have a critical role to play—both in health care and in APTA. That's why the association is reaching out to all PTAs to show how APTA membership can improve their patient care, enhance their careers, and bring them closer to their professional peers. Coming Wednesday,