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Coding for Timed Codes

Mar 22, 2021/Article

Over the years there has been much confusion over the coding of minutes when billing private payers. APTA recommends billing be consistent to all payers.

Value-Based Care Podcasts

APTA's comprehensive podcast series explains the move toward value-based care and how physical therapists can participate in the Quality Payment Program

Position Paper: Medicare Patient Empowerment Act

Jul 15, 2021/Position Paper

This act would allow a Medicare beneficiary to enter into a direct contract with an eligible provider, including PTs, for any item or service covered by Medicare.

Ordering of Diagnostic Imaging by Physical Therapists: A 5-Year Retrospective Practice Analysis

Jan 31, 2019/Resource

Researchers focused on 10 PTs who had imaging privileges. The results make a strong case for PTs as appropriate, judicious referrers.

Contact a PT Student

Making a career choice is a big decision, and you probably have questions.

Ways to Advocate for Expansion of Telehealth Services

Mar 24, 2021/Open Access

Access templated letters to advocate for maintaining telehealth policies for physical therapist services once the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided.

Clinical Recommendations to Guide Physical Therapy Practice for Huntington Disease

Feb 4, 2020/CPG

This clinical practice guideline suggests that physical therapy interventions may improve fitness, motor function, and gait in persons with Huntington disease.

No. 397 – Conservative Care of Urinary Incontinence in Women

Apr 1, 2020/CPG

This clinical practice guideline provides evidence for assessment and conservative care for urinary incontinence in women, including pelvic floor muscle training, bladder training, and other adjunctive therapies.

APTA Academy of Orthopaedic PT, American Academy of Sports PT, Academy of Neurologic PT, and Academy of Pediatric PT: Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment After Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (CPG+)

Apr 2, 2020/CPG

This clinical practice guideline provides a set of evidence-based recommendations for physical therapist management of the patients who have experienced a concussive event.

Canadian Guideline for Parkinson Disease

Sep 9, 2019/CPG

Patients in the early stages of Parkinson’s disease should be referred to a physical therapist who has experience with the disease for assessment, education, and advice for physical activity. Also, physical therapy specific to Parkinson’s disease should be given to patients who experience balance and