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European Psychiatrists Recommend Physical Activity in the Treatment of Severe Mental Illness

Nov 9, 2018/Review

Could physical activity be an effective treatment for individuals with severe mental illnesses such as major depression and schizophrenia?

CSM Delivers: Pain Science and the Challenge of Opioids

Oct 19, 2018/News

The 2019 APTA CSM, set for January 23-26 in downtown Washington, DC, will deliver thought-provoking content on pain and opioids at a crucial time.

CSM Delivers: Management and Leadership

Oct 24, 2018/News

The 2019 APTA Combined Sections Meeting, set for January 23-26 in downtown Washington, DC, provides multiple forums for learning more about this crucial area of the profession.

CSM Delivers: Practice Tips

Oct 24, 2018/News

The 2019 APTA CSM, set for January 23-26 in downtown Washington, DC, offers sessions that will challenge you to learn something new that you can apply to your practice right now.

From PT in Motion Magazine: A Primer on Major Medicare Payment Changes

Nov 5, 2018/News

In "Moving Toward Quality Payment" in the November issue of PT in Motion, author Christine Lehmann breaks down the QPP into its 2 paths, particularly focusing on MIPs and its reporting requirements.

APTA Members: AMA Seeks Critical Input on New CPT Code Values

Oct 23, 2018/News

APTA members are being alerted to be on the lookout for 2 important surveys that APTA will disseminate for the AMA that will help to shape values for new CPT® codes.


Feb 1, 2021/Column

View letters to the editor, online comments from readers, and responses to timely questions that APTA poses for member response.

12 Tips That Helped Me Succeed During My First Year In PT School

Feb 25, 2018/Perspective

I was determined to maximize my experience and to find a way to make the journey fun and productive.

It's Your Turn

Jun 21, 2018/Perspective

I decided to focus all of my energy on school. And when I say “all,” I'm speaking literally.

A Secret to Overcoming Stress: Volunteer

May 14, 2018/Perspective

I found joy in volunteering by being part of something bigger than myself.