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Would You Recognize the Symptoms of ALS?

Jun 21, 2023/Article

When it comes to ALS, early diagnosis is important. Be aware of the indicators.

Top APTA Podcasts of 2023

Jan 2, 2024/Roundup

APTA podcasts helped you inform your practice, gain insight into regulatory issues, and explore professional ethics.

Exploring and Expanding Your CPT Code Inventory

Mar 1, 2019/Column

The 97000 series is key. But wait-there's more.

Outcomes – A Strong Team Produces Better Results

Oct 17, 2018/Perspective

With increased expectations to deliver high-quality care, it is important that we meet the standards that are being set for us.

The Invisible Steps to Success

Sep 1, 2016/Column

What are you overlooking?

News From NEXT: Oxford Debaters Argue: Is Social Media Hazardous?

Jun 19, 2019/News

The verdict is in: social media is hazardous to the physical therapy profession. At least some of the time. That was the outcome of the 12th annual Oxford Debate, during APTA's NEXT Conference and Exposition in Chicago, which in traditional style-over-substance fashion included the pro team wearing hazmat

This Summer, APTA Provides the SPF (Stimulating Podcast Features)

Jun 8, 2021/Roundup

Kick back and get inspired, learn about new practice findings, and keep up with the ways APTA works for you.

Compliance Matters: Where the Improvement Myth Remains the Standard

Apr 1, 2020/Column

More nonfederal payers must consider changing their policies. Here's what APTA is doing and how you can help.

Win: CMS Backs off Changes That Got in the Way of Common Code Pairings

Apr 21, 2020/News

Life just got a little easier for PTs dealing with CMS National Correct Coding Initiative edits.

Get 'Caught Doing Good,' and APTA May Donate $500 to Your Charity of Choice

Sep 28, 2018/News

Making plans for the Global PT Day of Service coming up on October 13? Snap a picture of what you're up to, and your charity of choice could wind up with a $500 donation from APTA.