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Get Involved: Flash Action September 26-27 Will Focus on Physical Therapy's Role in Pain Management

Sep 25, 2018/News

The innovative concentrated advocacy effort will use the APTA Legislative Action Center to contact members of Congress to press for better patient access to nonopioid pain treatments including physical therapy.

Donations Now Being Accepted for Florence Relief

Sep 21, 2018/News

An online giving program established last year to help hurricane victims in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico is now focusing its efforts on providing aid to people affected by Hurricane Florence.

Study: Functional Limitation Reporting Isn't Delivering the Data Goods

Sep 7, 2018/Review

A new APTA-funded study finds that FLR codes have not been submitted in ways that are consistent with regulations.

Study: Estimated 1 in 3 Medicare Beneficiaries Receiving Inpatient/SNF Rehab Report No Improvement in Function

Aug 8, 2018/Review

Participants were asked if, during rehab services, their functioning and abilities improved, got worse, or stayed the same.

Study: Widespread Fall-Risk Screening Efforts, Followed by Appropriate Interventions, Could Produce 'Striking' Results

Aug 27, 2018/Review

Assessments followed by nterventions that address patient-specific risk areas could result in a "striking" reduction in falls.

Study: Emergency Department PTs Are Just What the Doctor Ordered

Aug 17, 2018/Review

More hospitals should incorporate PTs into their emergency department workflow.

An APTA National Student Conclave Sneak Peek, Courtesy of the Pulse Blog

Aug 24, 2018/News

NSC is the association's premier event designed specifically for students in PT and PTA education programs.

Proposed CMS Outpatient Rule Would Adopt Further 'Site Neutral' Payment Policies

Jul 31, 2018/News

In its 2019 outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) rule, CMS proposes to expand its use of a "site-neutral" payment model.

2018 ELI Fellows Class Brings APTA's Educational Leadership Program Past 100 Graduates

Aug 14, 2018/News

Sixteen seasoned physical therapy educators have deepened their knowledge and skills over the past year, thanks to the APTA ELI Fellowship. The latest cohort pushes the program past the 100-graduate mark.

Aetna's Policy Clarifications Increase Access to PT Care

Sep 4, 2018/News

Major commercial insurer Aetna recently provided some clarification on policies related to payment for physical therapy, and it's good news for PTs and their patients.