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Spare No Expanse

Oct 1, 2017/Column

Looking beyond the clinic for wellness-client options.

2017's Top Stories From PT in Motion News

Jan 1, 2018/Roundup

The past year was another eventful one for the physical therapy profession, and with more than 270 stories posted during 2017, readers of PT in Motion News were able to keep up with a wide range of developments, from payment to research to new APTA offerings. Here are 7 of the most-read stories from

Coronavirus Update: June 2

Jun 2, 2021/Roundup

New CDC guidance, effects of mild coronavirus infection, employee vaccination requirements, and more.

Muscular Dystrophy (MD): Duchenne and Becker (DBMD)

Jan 19, 2014/Clinical Summary

PTs help people with DBMD improve their quality of life.

Local Coverage Determinations Under Medicare

Sep 1, 2017/Column

Here's what PTs and PTAs should know about the process.

Medicare Payment Changes: 2021

Jan 15, 2021/Resource

2021 brings numerous changes to Medicare regulation related to telehealth, the Physician Fee Schedule payment, NCCI edits, and the Quality Payment Program.

Improving the Lives of People with Dementia

Mar 1, 2018/Article

It's time to replace unfounded fears with evidence-based facts. Doing so will best ensure optimal treatment of an underserved population and will better meet caregivers' needs.

Study: Manual Therapy Works as Well, And Sometimes Better, Than Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Mar 6, 2017/News

Researchers found similar improvement in self-reported function and CTS symptom severity for both surgical and physical therapy patients after 1 year, but the physical therapy group reported more significant gains in the first month.

Proposed FY '23 IRF Rule: 2% Increase, Cap on Wage Index Cut, Calls for Input

Apr 5, 2022/Review

Similar to the 2022 rule, CMS keeps changes minimal in response to pandemic-related disruptions.

Fee Schedule Cuts: Where Things Stand, What Could Happen Next

Nov 29, 2023/Article

Time is running out for Congress to take action on cuts to the 2024 Medicare fee schedule. Are there paths that could lead to relief?