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Physician Fee Schedule Coding Updates

Feb 1, 2020/Column

Changes for 2020 include new codes for dry needling and changes to a number of existing codes.

From PT Pintcast: Now's the Time to Embrace Outcomes Registries

Feb 7, 2018/News

Takeaways from a recent PT Pintcast podcast featuring Heather Smith, PT, MPH, APTA director of quality, and Nathan Glusenkamp, a registry expert who is director of registries at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).

CMS Officially Recognizes Compacts

May 8, 2020/News

Now available: a CMS resource verifying the agency’s recognition of interstate license compacts.

Now's Your Chance to Step up to APTA Committee Service

Feb 9, 2018/News

Members interested in serving on the Ethics and Judicial, Finance and Audit, Leadership Development, and Public Policy and Advocacy committees, an Awards subcommittee, or the Reference Committee are encouraged to let APTA know of their willingness to participate.

BuzzFeed Features Physical Therapy 'Success Stories'

Feb 5, 2018/News

Recently, BuzzFeed published "9 Physical Therapy Success Stories That'll Make You Choke Up A Bit," a collection of first-person accounts from patients who faced a range of issues including spine facture, labrum tears, recovery from a coma, and interstitial cystitis.

Getting a Handle on the Fee Schedule: 6 Things to Know About the New PTA Modifier and Estimated 2021 Cut

Nov 22, 2019/News

The physical therapy profession can breathe a little easier after convincing the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to back off from some of its more troubling proposals around work done by physical therapist assistants (PTAs) in the final 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS).

APTA: New SNF Payment System Should Drive Quality Patient Care, Not Staff Layoffs

Oct 9, 2019/News

APTA is working to debunk myths surrounding the PDPM payment system.

Study: For Children With Autism, Yoga Improves Motor Skills, May Buffer 'Cascading' Effects

Nov 27, 2019/Review

Researchers believe physical therapist-led "creative yoga," can improve gross motor skills and the ability to imitate movement patterns among children with ASD.

CMS Rule on Hospital Price Transparency Sets the Stage for Major Shift in Public Access to Charges for Services

Nov 20, 2019/Review

A final CMS rule makes it clear that it will move ahead in its efforts to make hospital cost data more accessible to consumers.

From Choose and Move Forward Radio: 'Dancing With the Stars' Dancer and the Show's PT Talk About Keeping the Cast in Shape

Dec 10, 2019/News

She's a physical therapist (PT) who might be lucky to get 20 minutes with her patients, tops. And sometimes, there are lights and cameras to contend with. At other times, she has to be aware of the fact that if she uses taping, it must not be visible to the literally millions of people all over the world