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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Dec 27, 2021/Roundup
Staying up to speed with changes and challenges while keeping tabs on APTA happenings.
Jan 10, 2022/News
A total of $360k in funding will help researchers investigate a wide range of topics relevant to the profession and the patients it serves.
Dec 23, 2020/News
While the bill approved by Congress falls short on a full offset of a planned Medicare cut, it does offer help other areas.
Dec 15, 2020/Review
HHS wants to make it easier for patients to access and share health records — and ease providers' administrative burden along the way.
Dec 29, 2020/Article
Yes, COVID-related articles made the list, but so did a wide range of other topics, from electrophysiology to PTs who treat gamers.
Dec 30, 2020/Article
Get an earful of inspiration, and help your patients and clients understand the transformative power of physical therapy.
Dec 30, 2020/Perspective
Lessons learned and hopes from the future from a dozen APTA member-authors.
Jan 4, 2021/News
Two new offerings aimed at researchers from underrepresented groups are among the programs now accepting applications through Feb. 15.
Jan 5, 2021/News
One of the best ways to honor the physical therapy profession's proud past is to invest in its future.
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