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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
May 26, 2021/News
UHC is the first of the largest insurers to make the move advocated by APTA.
Jun 1, 2021/Feature
Part one of APTA Magazine's special issue on physical therapist education.
May 25, 2021/Review
Researchers put price tags on comorbidities associated with higher TJA costs and see risk adjustment as a way to counter 'cherry picking.'
May 24, 2021/Review
A new study points to evidence that exercise rehabilitation works for a patient population that's sometimes excluded from rehab research.
May 21, 2021/News
APTA-supported bipartisan legislation would help 5 health care professions, including physical therapy, increase student diversity.
Four academic leaders discuss how the coronavirus pandemic has altered the landscape.
Aug 20, 2020/Policies & Bylaws
House positon: Supports collaboration between physical therapists and sleep medicine professionals to enhance the health and well-being of society.
House position: Supports interprofessional collaboration in behavioral and mental health to enhance the overall health and well-being of society consistent with APTA’s vision.
House position: Supports and participates in workforce planning efforts with other stakeholders to meet the needs of the profession and society.
House position: The delegates honor the commitment of APTA staff, leaders of our association, and members of our profession in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.