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Employer Self-Insurance Offers Opportunities for PTs

Jun 1, 2017/Feature

As more employers opt for self-funded health plans, a growing number of physical therapists are finding ways to benefit.

Problematic From the Start

Jun 1, 2017/Column

When the PT and PTA aren't on the same team.

Energy Crisis?

May 1, 2017/Column

Use of a certain technique leads to questions.

Tracking Changes in the Regulatory Environment

Jun 1, 2017/Column

Updates, tips, and resources.


Apr 1, 2017/Magazine

Health Care in Cuba

Study Reveals Racial Disparities in Postdischarge Rehab After Traumatic Injury

May 28, 2019/Review

Researchers found that in groups matched for age, injury type, and injury severity, African Americans were less likely to use rehabilitation services and have outpatient visits postdischarge.

News From NEXT: Building Wellness Programs in the Least Likely Places

Jun 17, 2019/News

Sometimes, basic assumptions beg to be questioned. Just ask physical therapists (PTs) in the oncology rehabilitation department of Froedtert Hospital and Medical College of Wisconsin, who wondered why prevention and wellness couldn't be a part of the patient experience from the moment they entered the

News From NEXT: Oxford Debaters Argue: Is Social Media Hazardous?

Jun 19, 2019/News

The verdict is in: social media is hazardous to the physical therapy profession. At least some of the time. That was the outcome of the 12th annual Oxford Debate, during APTA's NEXT Conference and Exposition in Chicago, which in traditional style-over-substance fashion included the pro team wearing hazmat

Can't-Miss Special Edition of PTJ Focuses on Intersection of Pediatric Physical Therapy and Developmental Science

Jun 12, 2019/News

The June edition of PTJ (Physical Therapy) is something special: an entire issue devoted to the ways pediatric physical therapy and developmental science are informing each other—all to the benefit of children and their families. The issue shouldn't be missed, say Alyssa Fiss, PT, PhD, and Anjana Bhat,

30 Minutes of 'Acute' Exercise Temporarily Boosts Memory-Related Brain Activity, Strengthens Brain Over Time

May 13, 2019/Review

That name on the tip of your tongue might be easier to retrieve after 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise.