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Photo Collection: A Look at APTA's Centennial Celebration

Sep 28, 2021/Roundup

We honored our past, thought about our future, and had some good times along the way.

New APTA Strategic Plan: Leading the Profession and Association Into the Next Century

Jan 28, 2019/News

Take a look at the new APTA strategic plan covering the next 3 years, and almost immediately something becomes abundantly clear: the association has no intention of kicking back and cruising into its centennial in 2021. Dig deeper, and you're likely to find that the goals to be reached between now and


Mar 1, 2021/Column

View letters to the editor, online comments from readers, and responses to timely questions that APTA poses for member response.

My NSC Experience: I Will Be a Physical Therapist

Dec 18, 2017/Perspective

NSC 2017 was hands-down one of my favorite weekends throughout my time in physical therapy school.

First-Ever APTA Clinical Practice Guideline Targets TKA

Jun 22, 2020/Review

APTA's first self-produced CPG is the first on total knee arthroplasty specifically for the physical therapy profession.

Special Olympics and Physical Therapy: Together Again

Jul 19, 2022/Perspective

Physical therapists have been involved with Special Olympics almost since its inception.

The End of the Public Health Emergency: What You Need to Know

Mar 29, 2023/Article

Don't let the May 11 end of the PHE take you by surprise: Here's a rundown of where things will stand — and how you might be affected.

The Proposed '24 Fee Schedule: Takeaways From APTA's Comments to CMS

Sep 8, 2023/News

APTA seized the opportunity to address the good, the bad, and the unclear.


Jun 1, 2018/Magazine

A Call to Diversify the Profession

Overhaul of Federal Loan Forgiveness Program Could Make It More Accessible

Oct 12, 2021/News

Retooling the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program opens up the possibility of greater participation — including for some PTs and PTAs.