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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Aug 30, 2017/Test & Measure
Measures amount of active lumbar flexion, extension, and lateral flexion motion measured using an inclinometer.
Nov 30, 2017/Test & Measure
This test is used to obtain information with regard to centralization or peripheralization of pain or other symptom behavior as a response to testing in specific directions or mechanical loading.
May 22, 2024/Clinical Summary
Physical therapy interventions can increase the chances that the patient will return to preinjury activity levels and prevent a recurrence.
May 30, 2017/Test & Measure
Measures plantar-flexor endurance in weight bearing; also shown to be reliable and valid for examination of lower leg function in patients with Achilles tendinopathy.
Jan 28, 2014/Test & Measure
Assisted 6-Minute Arm and Leg Cycling Test (A6MCT) for Muscular Dystrophy (MD)
Jan 29, 2014/Test & Measure
Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) - Down Syndrome (DS)
Feb 1, 2014/CPG
This guideline recommends physical therapy as part of supportive or palliative care for adults with breathlessness and cough due to lung cancer.
Feb 5, 2014/CPG
This report takes a rigorous, evidence-based approach to recommend treatment thresholds, goals, and medications in the management of hypertension in adults.
Mar 18, 2014/CPG
This guideline is based on current evidence relative to the nonsurgical, conservative management and treatment of lateral patellar dislocations and patellar instability in children, adolescents, and young adults.
Mar 30, 2014/CPG
Although the primary purpose of this document is advisory and educational, these guidelines are enforceable under the Workers’ Compensation Rules of Procedure, 7 CCR 1101-3.