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Virtualize Your Personal Toolbox

May 14, 2017/Perspective

The goal of PTNow is to assist PTs and PTAs in their everyday practice.

APTA and CMS Webinar on Quality Payment Program, MIPS, and Advanced APMs

Sep 7, 2018/Article

Recorded webinar - FREE and only offered to APTA members

2019 MPPR Calculator Now Available

Jan 3, 2019/News

It's back: APTA's members-only multiple procedure payment reduction (MPPR) calculator for 2019 is now live. This year's calculator incorporates both the MPPR 50% reduction as well as the overall 2% cut to Medicare payments implemented through sequestration. The calculator, delivered by way of an Excel

CMS Wants Medicare Advantage to Increase Telehealth Coverage

Oct 29, 2018/News

In a proposed rule, CMS gives the green light to expand coverage for telehealth in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. But when—and if—those changes would affect PTs remains an open question.

Telehealth Isn't a Given for Physical Therapy After the Pandemic

Dec 1, 2021/Column

Telehealth in physical therapy shouldn't be an emergency-only option.

A Stark Reality: APTA Continues Efforts to Shore Up Self-Referral Law

Aug 7, 2018/News

CMS has hinted that the prohibition, known as the Stark law, may interfere with the adoption of new, more integrated models of care.


Jul 1, 2021/Column

View letters to the editor, online comments from readers, and responses to timely questions that APTA poses for member response.

For National Physical Therapy Month, Highlighting Our Value

Oct 4, 2023/News

This year's celebration is off to a strong start, with a must-read report and messaging resources for members.

APTA-Backed Bill Supports Medicare Patients in Need of Orthoses, Prostheses

Apr 23, 2024/News

The bipartisan measure would eliminate burdensome requirements, protect patients, and improve device replacement policies.

The Wrong Foot

Mar 1, 2016/Column

A harsh reality threatens an Olympic dream.