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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
Dec 20, 2021/CPG
Although the primary purposes of this document are advisory and educational, these guidelines are enforceable under the Workers’ Compensation Rules of Procedure, 7 CCR 1101-3.
Apr 23, 2014/CPG
This guideline provides recommendation for the prevention, assessment, and management of pressure ulcers in adults and children in all settings.
Aug 16, 2017/Test & Measure
This is a patient-reported questionnaire that examines symptom severity and overall functional status of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
May 22, 2017/Test & Measure
A standardized form for the assessment of shoulder function.
Jul 1, 2020/CPG
Describes critical decision points in the Management of Obesity and Overweight and provides recommendations for practitioners throughout the DoD and VA Health Care systems.
May 1, 2014/CPG
These guidelines provide recommendations for the use of alternative therapies as secondary measures to lower blood pressure, including yoga and exercise-based modalities.
May 4, 2014/Test & Measure
Measures mobility in the subtalar joint.
Jun 1, 2014/CPG
This guideline offers recommendations for the diagnosis and management of subacromial pain syndrome (or shoulder impingement syndrome).
Jan 1, 2019/CPG
This website helps health care professionals manage children and adolescents with concussion or prolonged postconcussion symptoms.