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Includes articles, courses, and CPGs. Unlimited access for APTA members.
May 1, 2024/Clinical Summary
This clinical summary provides information on the background, pathophysiology, and management of people who are at risk for and who have had a cerebrovascular accident.
Jun 8, 2017/Clinical Summary
PTs help children with ASD manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
May 27, 2020/News
Results of a nationwide APTA survey show how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the profession.
Jun 26, 2020/Review
APTA Oncology has published its first major treatment-related CPG — a resource on treatment of lymphedema related to breast cancer targeted specifically at the PT's role.
Sep 17, 2017/Perspective
What started out as enthusiasm, slowly turned into unmanageable stress.
Jun 1, 2020/Perspective
I made a list of all the things I wanted out of a career. It summed up to be making a difference in people's lives.
May 1, 2017/Magazine
May 1, 2023/Article
Kudos to two recent Defining Moment authors, and a PT with a rare condition works to remember her “why.”
Here is a roundup of the journals that you can access through APTA and section membership.
Jan 6, 2019/Perspective
If I can leave you with one message it would be to take the time and say yes to serving as an House usher.