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Jan 29, 2015/Clinical Summary

PTs conduct examinations and design treatment programs to help people safely return to activity and sport.

Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors (CHIEF) – Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Feb 2, 2014/Test & Measure

Measures degree to which elements of the physical, social, and political environments act as barriers or facilitators to full participation for people with disabilities.

Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment/Preferences for Activities of Children (CAPE/PAC)

Jun 26, 2016/Test & Measure

The CAPE is a self-report measure of children’s participation in leisure and recreational activities.


Jun 1, 2020/Magazine

View online comments from members and letters to the editor.

APTA Regulatory, Legislative, and Payment Updates, April 2023

Apr 20, 2023/Live Webinar

Inside intel from APTA's Health Policy and Payment team on the most significant and impactful federal and commercial payer policy updates in 2023.

Photo Collection: A Look at APTA's Centennial Celebration

Sep 28, 2021/Roundup

We honored our past, thought about our future, and had some good times along the way.

State Legislative Advocacy: ND Imaging Win, Compact Growth, and More

Apr 16, 2021/Roundup

Many state legislatures are still in session, but positive changes are already in the works. Here's a progress report.

Five Ways PTs Can Offer Movement Experiences During a Pandemic

Nov 3, 2020/Perspective

We have a very sweet spot as professionals to not only help those already hurting, but also help facilitate movement experiences.

The Proposed Medicare Cut Impacts My Community — And Yours

Oct 2, 2020/Perspective

If you think the proposed cut won’t affect you because you don’t provide services for patients covered by Medicare, I urge you to think about the community in which you provide your services.

Good News for Physical Therapy: 4 Promising Developments on Capitol Hill

Aug 8, 2022/Roundup

Advocacy by APTA and its members is paying off in some key ways.